Friends of Mawson Ponds

Caroline Le Couteur is the convenor of the The Friends of Mawson Ponds (FoMP) and is organising locals to make the Mawson Pond's area a great place for both the community and the native flora and fauna.

FoMP is a sub group of the Woden Valley Community Council which aims to improve the natural environment and the amenity of the area near Mawson Ponds, a recently built water quality improvement pond.

The Mawson Ponds Wildlife Corridor project

Grant - ACT Government 2021-22 Environment Grant - $7,263

The aim of the project is to plant a mix of native shrubs and ground covers to create a wildlife corridor to support plants native birds, insects and other animals.

The project is situated between the fence line and the shared path between Power Street and Du Faur street, Mawson. Cotoneasters were removed in 2020 as part of a Covid employment program leaving open ground where weeds are growing.

Mawson Ponds is connected to woodland nature reserves - Farrer Ridge (south), Mt Taylor (west) and Isaacs ridge (east). Our project is designed to enhance habitat connectivity through urban areas and manage these urban wetlands to support implementation of the ACT Nature Conservation Strategy (Strategies 1 and 4).

Migratory species recorded at Mawson ponds include the Meadow Argus and Macleay Swallowtail butterflies, Olive-backed Oriole and Superb Parrot. There are also hundreds of moth and beetle species that are expected to utilise the proposed corridor.

The project provides a foundation for future works stages in the Mawson Ponds area.

To volunteer

For more information go to Friends of Mawson Ponds on Facebook or email

The group meets at 9am on Wednesdays and also holds planting days.


Farrer Residents’ Association


Tree-mendous Hughes Group